Aremun Podcast 44 – Kike Pravda (Senoid Recordings) + Intervista
Questa settimana a far parte di Aremun Podcast n°44 è il turno di Kike Pravda, artista spagnolo e proprietario della famosa label Senoid Recordings. 1. Sei nato e cresciuto a Vitoria, Spagna. Puoi dirci qualcosa della tua infanzia e come ti sei avvicinato alla
Aremun Podcast 43 – Joachim Spieth (Affin) + Intervista
Aremun Podcast 43 - Joachim Spieth (Affin) by Aremun Podcast on Mixcloud Vi presentiamo oggi Aremun Podcast, nel numero 43 vi proponiamo il mix con intervista di Joachim Spieth, dal ‘99 dj e produttore successivamente fonda la sua label Affin. Suona la
Aremun Podcast 42 – Unam Zetineb (Mano Recording) + Intervista
Aremun Podcast 42 - Unam Zetineb (Mano Recording) by Aremun Podcast on Mixcloud Aremun Podcast, siamo al numero quarantadue, per voi il mix più intervista concessa in esclusiva dal produttore spagnolo Unam Zetineb nonchè proprietario insieme Mark Morris della label Mano Recording.
Intervista a Attemporal (Att Series)
Hi Salva & David, we are very proud to have you among our interviewees of Aremun.Com; How did you approach into electronic music? S: well, when I was I child Valencia was one of the most important cities in the electronic/punk/techno scene, I was
Intervista a Victor Martinez (Psychoskunk Recordings)
Hi Victor, thanks for accepting the interview for Aremun.Com Thx for the support!! Hugs!! 1. How did you approach into electronic music? My father is a serial Lover music and i had always vinyls in my home of funk, disco, rock etc.. 2. What was the
Intervista a Liss C. (LC Series)
Ad Aprile è il turno di Liss C. proprietario delle label LGM, LCR e LC Series! 1. How did you approach into electronic music? It started when I was around 8-10 years, my sister usually play records or tapes from the clubs that she
Intervista a Deepbass (Informa Records)
Questo mese siamo felici di intervistare Deepbass! Deejay e produttore deep, dark e atmospherical techno. 1. How did you approach into electronic music? Electronic music is something that has always appealed to me for as long as I can remember, got my first turntables when
Intervista a George Paar (Par Wax)
Abbiamo il piacere di presentare in esclusiva l'intervista a George Paar produttore di musica elettronica e proprietario della Par Recordings. 1. How did you approach electronic music? My first encounter with electronic music was in the early 90s' at first i really did not like it much. I