
Dorian Gray – Past and Future Don’t Exist [DROε]

Dorian Gray – Past and Future Don’t Exist [DROε]

The next Dust REC album is ready to be released! It is going to be launched under a series of mini albums entitled Origins and Dorian Gray is in charge of signing it.

As it is usual in these series, the music, the graphic concept and packaging melt together to create a unique way of artistic expression.

This album is going to be released in CD and digital format. It also includes a postcard, a sticker and a star map, which is printed in a transparency sheet and safe-kept in a tube. Its packaging conveys different viewpoints of life, depending on how one looks at it. How big is the universe? Do we know everything about it?

All these objects are packed in a handmade box designed for this special occasion.

” I thought that the moment would last forever. But then I realized that the reality and suffering were only an illusion, and time stopped. The awareness of relativity and to not understand my role made me feel sad. But that feeling it has soon developed into a great euphoria and the anxiety of this revelation is faded away, and it has dissolved into a hymn to the mystery: Not to know is the only reason that makes me alive ”

” Ho pensato che quel momento sarebbe durato per sempre. Ma poi mi resi conto che la realtà e la sofferenza erano stati solo un’illusione , e il tempo si fermò. La consapevolezza della relatività e di non capire il mio ruolo mi ha fatto sentire triste. Ma questa sensazione si è presto trasformata in un grande euforia e l’ansia di questa rivelazione è svanita , e si è dissolta in un inno al mistero : Non sapere è l’unico motivo che mi rende vivo ”